Terms of Use
go to: privacy policy / Accessibility statement
These Terms of Service govern your use of the “Zazim - Community in Motion” website and constitute a binding agreement between yourself and us, Zazim - Community in Motion, which is a registered Israeli non-profit association. You need not to accept these terms, however if you do not accept them you cannot use the website.
When using the website you can participate in campaigns, register yourself to our newsletters and groups, send letters to policy makers, attend events or fill out surveys.
When using the website we may collect some personally identifiable information in order to provide these services. Some of this information may be conveyed to companies who provide us with parts of the services.
Please note that as this is an internet based activity which relies on different vendors, there may be problems we cannot be held liable for.
Lastly, we may send you emails from time to time.
We suggest that you read the full agreement, as the summary is solely for convenience and the agreement below is the binding agreement.
1. Registration: In order for you to use some of the website’s features you shall be required to register. However, other parts of the website do not require registration. When you register you shall be required to provide some identifying information.
a. When is the registration performed? Usually, your registration is performed during your first use of the website, meaning when you first participate in a campaign; however, you can also register without participating on one of the campaigns.
b. Who can register? In order to register to the website, you have to adhere to our eligibility requirements, and you represent and warrant that: (i) your ability to enter into this agreement was not cancelled by a competent authority or by law; (ii) you are an adult, or you obtained your parents and/or legal guardian’s consent to enter into these terms; (iii) we did not prohibit you in the past from entering into these terms; (iv) you do not reside in any proscribed state and you are not a member of a terror organization; (v) you have all the permits, if you act on behalf of a corporation, to enter into these terms.
c.Personal use: Your use of the services shall be personal and non-commercial; you will
not disclose, distribute and/or publish any part of the services to third parties unless it was specifically available by the service itself (such as a “share” button for Facebook) and you will not resell, lease, distribute or publish the services by any other mean than their original interface.
d.Acceptable use: you will only use the services in a bone-fide manner, and refrain from any activity which may prevent, interrupt or delay the services to any other person. You will not use the services to spam, send unsolicited advertising, harass, stalk or threaten any other person or computer system. You will not use automated means, including computer programs, crawlers, robots or scripts to harvest information, process it, cache it or otherwise provide services to other persons. You will not create any script, software, code or program which distorts, interferes, diminishes or adds functionality to the services.
e. No Intellectual Property License: save for where specifically allowed to do so, you may not use our intellectual property.
f.One account for one person: our policy is to have one account for one person, and that one person should only use one account. You cannot have more than one account and you cannot provide others with access to your account. If you are a corporation (or if you’re acting on its behalf), then you can allow use of your account for specific employees, but you’ll be responsible for the damage which they may cause.
g.Notification: you are required to inform us, immediately, in any case where you believe your account was hacked and any when you are made aware of unauthorized use of your account. We will not be held liable for any case where you shall not adhere to these security instructions and we will not be able to help you in any way if you refrain from using our security best practices, as we publish from time to time.
h. Choosing a username and password: In the future we may allow you to choose your username and password. Once you chose your password we may send you a link to authenticate your email address. We will store your password in a hashed, secure, way which does not allow restoring it. Therefore, if you forget your password you will be required to reset it through the service. We may also allow registration through third party services such as Google, Facebook or other external systems.
i. Providing access to your username and password: we prohibit you from providing others with your login credentials.
2. Campaigns: Campaigns are the essence of the website; we will allow you to participate in campaigns under different subjects, and the campaigns are managed by our staff. For these terms of services “Campaigns” and “Services” are the one described here:
a. A Petition Campaign: A petition campaign is a virtual petition. When signing the petition you express your identification with the purposes of the petition and request we send this message to policy makers. In such case, please be advised that some of your personal information may be published on the web or in order places, either by ourselves or by the petition’s recipients.
b. A Letter Campaign: In a letter campaign we shall request you to send a letter to a policy maker. This letter may be sent by yourself (either with your cellphone or via electronic mail) or via our system. In such case, it is important that you know that the letter may be sent via third parties, and may also be sent via non-electronic means such as fax or post. Sometimes, our staff will read your letters to see whether they contain inappropriate content.
c. A Survey campaign: In a survey campaign we may request information about your preferences, opinions and other matters. It is important to remember that not all surveys are anonymous, and that some of your responses to the survey may be published.
d. Register to events: we may allow you to register to our events, or our partners events, through the services.
e. Create events: we may allow you, through the services, to create events and send messages to its attendees. The event should be connected to one of our
f. A fundraising campaign: We may attach to some of the campaigns the option to raise funds, where you may donate to the campaign’s cause or to a non-profit which promotes the same purpose. Sometimes we may manage campaigns whose main purpose is to raise funds.
3.Content Policy: Our campaigns may contain both our own content and other user-generated content. By publishing textual or visual content through the services, or by creating other content, you undertake to adhere to our user generated content policy set herein. You acknowledge that any breach of this user generated content policy may terminate the services for you, remove your content and initiate with legal action both by ourselves and by the person whose rights were harmed. For the purpose of this policy, the term “content” shall include: (i) images and text which were used to post responses, including facebook comments; (ii) images and videos which were embedded from third party websites; (iii) descriptions, text and information processed through the services; (iv) any other contribution created through the services.
a. Copyright license: you are the sole owner of all Content which you publish through the services. However, for the purpose of providing the services, you grant us a perpetual, irrevocable, permanent, unlimited, world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, license which is sublicensable, to use the Content and allow our users to use the Content through the services and third party services, including creating derivative works, amending the content, republishing, distribution, creating three-dimensional works and any other action. This license is required so that we can take your Content and publish it, as well as use it to promote the campaigns.
b. Use of your image: you grant us the right to use your name, photo , details and image where it related to your Content. We need this permission to add your name and image to a campaign.
c. Offensive Content: you represent and warrant that the Content you publish is not offensive and does not infringe on the rights of third parties, including:
i. Intellectual property: the Content does not infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party, including copyrights, designs, patents, trade marks, trade secrets or other intellectual property right.
ii. Pornography: the Content does not contain any pronographic text, photo or image, including sexual content, sexual activity, sexual innuendoes, or obscenity.
iii. Slander: the Content is not slanderous and does not harm other’s good name.
iv. Racist: the Content does not contain racist speech and does not incite hatred.
v. Scams: the Content is not meant for market manipulation, scams, interfering with stock exchanges, pyramid schemes, multi level marketing phishing or any other activity which is meant to take money out of people.
d. Warranty: You hereby warrant that you are either the sole proprietor or a designated licensee of any Content you process through service and that no other party's rights are infringed or violated by using the Content and Service. You moreover warrant that that no legal claim, dispute or lawsuit was filed against You or threatened against You for publishing Contribution.
e. Removal of content: we will not have to moderate the Content or monitor it, but we may have the right to do so and to remove content which we do not think that adheres to this content. In rare cases, we may request your permission to amend the content instead of removing it.
f. Disclosure of Content: : We may use the Content and may also disclose Content if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary to: (a) comply with legal process; (b) enforce these Terms of Service; (c) respond to claims that any Content violates the rights of third-parties; or (d) protect our rights, property, or personal safety, or our user’s and/or the public. You understand that the technical processing and transmission of the Service, including your Content, may involve (a) transmissions over various networks and (b) changes to conform and adapt to technical requirements of connecting networks or devices.
g. Harmless: You agree and warrant to hold us as harmless and to immediately indemnify us for any claim initiated due to a breach of your warranties here.
h. Cease and Desist: We values others your rights, and therefore shall comply with all state regulations regarding third party rights. Should you encounter any Content which you believe to be in violation of any of Your rights, good name or copyrights, Please file an infringement complaint to our Content officer: contact@zazim.org; Our officer shall examine your complaint and shall forward it to the user who published said Content for his answer, if possible. Should your complaint be false, harassing or in order to prevent legal use of the service, you shall bear all liability to compensate the user which you reported as infringing and/or ourselves. In your complaint you will be required to inform us with: (i) a written statement regarding what Contribution infringes your rights and proof that you hold those rights; (ii) what is the exact URL of the Contribution; (iii) notification that you believe that the use made by the Contribution is not considered fair-use, criticism, consumer protest or any other protected speech.
i. Moderation: Pursuant to any takedown notice, and promptly thereafter, we will moderate the Content and review your request; We shall notify the user who posted the Content on your complaint, including your information and request his response, if possible.
j. Removal or Restoration: Should the User who posted the content fail to respond within 96 hours, we shall remove the Content; had he responded, we shall inspect his response and had there any material questions of fact or law arise, we shall forward his personal information directly to you so you could commence litigation over You complaint.
k. Indemnification:You hereby warrant and agree to hold us harmless and to indemnify us for any damage, loss, expense, legal expense or cost incurred as a result of (i) your posting of any content in direct violation of our user generated content, including any false representation; OR (ii) any claim, complaint or notification filed maliciously or negligently against any user where no such claim had any legal standing.
4. Warranty and Liability:
a. No Warranty: We do not warrant for service and supplies it on an “as-is” and “as-available” basis. Your use of service is at your own risk and under your liability. We make no warranty that (i) the service will meet your requirements and (ii) the service will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free and (iii) the results that may be obtained from the use of the service will be accurate or reliable and (iv) the quality of any products, services, information, or other material purchased or obtained by you through service will meet your expectations, or (v) any errors in the Service will be corrected.
b. No Liability: For no case and for no reason shall we be held liable for any damage, direct or indirect, consequential, exemplary, physical or special, to you, any user or any third party due to our misperformance of duties herein. We provide the service on an AS-IS basis and shall not be held liable, to the extent permitted by law, by any case of misconduct, negligence, gross negligence, malice or any other mean, to any damages or loss of property, including damages to: virtual property, reputation and business reputation, user account information including login information, loss of profit, loss of good name, all resulting from the use or inability to use services rendered by ourselves.
5. Amendments: We may amend, from time to time, these Terms of Service and may notify you as these amendments are made by publishing them on the website and sending you a message. Should you decide that any amendment in these Terms of Service does not constitute as your understanding with us, you may, at your own will, terminate these Terms of Service and terminate your User Account. All Content you created shall remain stored on Service and shall be used according to our policies and amended terms of service. In no case will these Terms of Service have any retroactive change nor would they apply on your conduct without your consent, therefore you undertake to examine, from time to time, any amendments in these Terms of Service.
6. Termination: We may, at our sole discretion, terminate these Terms of Service, service or any other service rendered by it due to any reason, for any user, including yourself, or with no reason at all or for any reason, including, without limitation, for lack of use or if we believe that you have violated or acted inconsistently with the understandings or spirit of the Terms of Service. We may also, in our sole discretion, and at any time discontinue providing the service, or any part thereof, with or without notice. You agree that any termination of your access to the service under any provision of these Terms of Service may be effected without prior notice, and acknowledge and agree that we may immediately deactivate or delete your account and all related information and files in your account and/or bar any further access to such files or the service. Further, you agree that we shall not be liable to you or any third party for any termination of your access to the Service.
7. Entire Agreement: These terms of service constitute the entire understandings we have and may only be changed in writing. Any delay, extension or estoppel may not be deemed as an amendment to these terms.
8. Governing Law, Jurisdiction: These terms of service shall be exclusively governed by the laws of the state of Israel and any dispute arising from it shall be exclusively brought to the competent courts of Tel-Aviv.
9. No Class Action: you adhere not to initiate class actions against us, and to solely collect your damages personally.