Joint Report – The State of the Occupation, Year 57


As the 57th year of Israeli occupation of the territories draws to a close, Israeli human rights organizations publish, for the second year in row, a joint report with the object of presenting a comprehensive picture of the occupation: "The State of the Occupation, Year 57." This year was exceptionally severe and cruel:

In the Gaza Strip, following the October 7th massacre by Hamas, Israel launched a ruthless attack killing tens of thousands – including thousands of children – and is implementing a policy of starvation, displacement, massive destruction of buildings and infrastructure, as well as detaining thousands in unsupervised detention sites. 

In the West Bank, the government is implementing a judicial drive aimed at annexing the West Bank to Israel, coupled with an unprecedented expansion of the settlement project. As war rages, the West Bank is ablaze with IDF-sanctioned settler violence, expulsion of communities and draconian movement restrictions.

In East Jerusalem, the eviction of Palestinians from their property has intensified; alongside discrimination in planning and settlement expansion, Israel is tightening its grip on municipal areas of Jerusalem, beyond the Green Line.

Within Israel, there is a constant, increasing assault on the judicial system, freedom of expression and protest.

We, the undersigned organizations, are committed to changing the bleak reality detailed in this report, and hope for a day when our activity will no longer be needed.

Read the full report: 

The report website: